Thursday, 17 February 2011

from aforementioned booshwiki

"In Nanageddon he [Tony Harrison]is knocked off a flying carpet by Saboo and spends the rest of the episode falling to Earth. It is unknown whether he survived. He hates Saboo he is a 'SLAAAAAAAGGGG' "

this is fun...

The Mighty Boosh Wiki

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Monday, 14 February 2011

a picture or two or more, er.. some pictures

oh dear

oh dear, oh dear
(not only do you get music you get syphilis!)

charity shops- always at the height of fashion (...*ahem!*)

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Oh hurrah...

...for the pisstaking opportunity that is Simple English Wikipedia
  • pie: "A pie is a type of food. Pies are usually baked, and often made in the shape of a circle or an oval. On the outside of a pie there is a sweet or savory crust, and on the inside there is a filling. Pies can be filled with sweet fruit filling, meat, or vegetables. Pie is great for desserts because of its delicious sweetness. Pie is also very delicious with its wide variety of available fillings."
  • oval (entire article!) "An oval is a shape. An oval is a figure that looks like an egg.
    An oval can look like an egg or an ellipse. It is not well defined and can describe many different shapes."
  • yoghurt "Yoghurt has a lot of protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 in it. It is better for you than milk is."
  • owls "Owls are good at looking at things far from its eyes, but it cannot see anything clearly within a few centimeters of their eyes. Owls use small feathers on the beak and the feet that help it feel the prey it catches."

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Isn't it funny...

... when the interweb takes you on a Hyperlink Mystery Tour...
todays example:

  1. "converted Morris Minor"
  2. "morris minor on IMDCB"
  3. "what's this?"

    "Curse of the Queerwolf"

  4. "what could that be about..?-- Let's google it"

turns out it's a low-budget 1980's film where someone's bitten by a trensvestite- thus turning them gay... how that works I don't know...

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

The person to the left is slightly reminding me of my thought process when it's unsupervised. Should I worry?
(now read the comic (from xkcd) then answer)

A funny...

and a random link to a morris minor based thing:

Wednesday, 2 February 2011