Friday 28 January 2011

Overheard Conversation of the day...

two guys talking to a girl on the bus:

guy1- "are you a lesbian, or a bisexual?"
girl- "I'm a bisexual"
guy2- "thats when you're gay and a lesbian, isn't it?"
mix of many words from guy1 and girl of which the basic point was- "gay and a lesbian? That's the same" and a bit of "wouldn't you have to be a hermaphrodite!"
girl- "It's when you're straight and a lesbian"
guy2- "straight and a lesbian- how does that work?"
girl- "it's called bisexual... ...remember?"
guy2- "oh, um, oh yeah...!"

based on hearing this my brother and I came to the conclusion that hermaphrodites have to be bi.

Monday 17 January 2011

It struck me whilst walking past some water...

...that whilst I can't swim I know how to, what to do and how it propells me along (I just can't make it work) but if I were to fall into that water would my knowledge of the... the... um "theory" of swimming suddenly sort itself out and stop me drowning?

what if there were sharks?

Thursday 13 January 2011


nothing, it would appear

that's better!

what does this do?

I don't thing the times right on this thing.

I'll try and sort it- I'm pretty sure it's not 9 in the morning!

What I don't understand is...

... wehre this was going!

hello again.

the library's blocked twitter.
So I'm Blogging.
I have little or nothing to say.
So why am I bothering?
Hard to say really.

ah, well.